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Trancesonic.FM - Trance Radio Station

Trancesonic.FM - Trance Radio Station TRANCESONIC.FM is a web radio that plays mainly trance music. Its name is slowly becoming one of the symbols of this genre, gathering a still growing crowd of listeners and supporters. We are focusing on constant development, that’s why we are always trying to reach further in order to become one of the leading media for trance promotion. In the age of computerisation of every part of life we stand back the traditional form of DJing, giving the highest priority to human talent and skill. Our hard work is both acknowledged and supported by ever increasing group of excellent DJs from all over the planet, who present their skills and tastes in regular radio shows as well as special events organized on our air, providing the listeners with loads of unforgettable musical experiences.

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Trancesonic.FM - Trance Radio Station

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